I’ve decided to make a mini time capsule for this coming year. These are questions for myself, a year from now.


Hey, hi, hello, how are ya?

Today is December 30, 2014. This is the year you started blogging and opened your Etsy shop. As a result, you made about $200. That’s twice as much as you would’ve made just selling in person!

For the year 2015, here are our goals:

1. Earn $1000 in total sales.

2. Be at least halfway finished the personal game project.

3. Be ready to graduate in 2016.

2015 is now over. Did we reach our goals?


—More Questions—

Are you even still updating this blog? What have you made this year? PICS NAO PLZ

You did pass everything this year, right? If not, well… FML

Do you have an actual job now? Besides plushies, of course.

How’s your personal project coming along? Please tell me you’ve actually started… I want all the details!

Are you still writing stories? If not, KEEP WRITING FOO!

When was the last time you saw/spoke to East? Tay? Ginger? Alburr? Any of your UOIT buddies who have gone before you? If you didn’t have contact within the past 4 months, GET IN TOUCH WITH THEM NOW!

Did you ever talk to Squirt again? How about Tommy? If both answers are no, oh well.

How’s Kitty? Do they have a set date for his wedding to Bear? Don’t tell me they’re already married… ( – w – )

Do you have a guy?  If so, DETAILS!!! If not, don’t freak out. You don’t look your hottest until 25, right?

And that’s all I can think of right now. What other things have happened this year? Comment in your next time capsule!

Pika, happy new year~