Cherry Tart – Amigurumi #40

Happy Pi Day!


This cherry tart was made out of boredom. It was going to be a cupcake, but then I failed. The cherries look like literal bombs. If you give this to someone, are you saying that you’re theirĀ ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch cherry bomb?!

Here is the tart beside a cupcake, which was going to be a slice of pie, but it failed:



It turns out that the tart is scaled to real life!


I made mini quiches for the first time today. They contain cheese and green onion. I skimped on the bacon bits, because they were expensive and I’m already on a tight budget. [/collegeLife] I substituted with flaked ham, which didn’t have the same smokey taste. And I should’ve used a less overwhelming cheese besides cheddar, so they wouldn’t have turned out as salty. Regardless, my roommate, Juefei, ate a third of them!

Mmmmm fresh out of the oven… Though I probably should have baked the crust separately. I theorize that my college city has a pie ban; we went to two different grocery stores to find cream pies, and came up short. Instead, we have a McCain cake.

What do you mean “cupcakes don’t count as pies?!”

What kinds of pies did you eat today? Or did you use pi in your equations at school? Comment below!

Pika, so happy~