Pokeball Earrings! – DIY #1

[14/06/14] These earrings are now available on Etsy!

Unfortunately, it appears that the Etsy shop launch will be delayed. To make up for it, however, here is a free pattern for you to try!

People might tell you I’m noted for my Super Mario mushroom earrings. Even strangers have complimented them! The problem with the earrings is that they’re heavy, because I made the mistake of stuffing them with the fiberfill stuffing I used for plushies.

This is the lesson of the day: DO NOT STUFF EARRINGS WITH STUFFING. It may not feel very heavy at first, but remember your earlobes are very delicate, and the fiberfill weight is enough to stretch them over time. Ouch!

These pokeball earrings are an improvement on that old earring-making technique. You start with a long tail, and stuff it into the earring afterward. This way it maintains its shape without weighing down your piercings. So easy, quick, and cute, you’ll want to make a pair in every type of pokeball!



How to make Pokeball Earrings

Materials needed:

1. Fine weight yarn in the following colours:

  • Red
  • White

2. *Lace crochet hook, 0.5 mm

3. 3D Paint in the following colours:

  • Black
  • White

4. Earring hooks (x2)

5. Scissors

*Note: The directions are based off what I personally used. A lace crochet hook is just a very tiny hook, so the smallest regular hook you can find should work as well. To make life easier, I’ve also included the number of stitches you should have after completing each round. 🙂



st/sts = stitch/stitches

sc = single crochet

inc = increase

dec = decrease


Pokeballs (make 2)

With white yarn, start with a tail about 10 cm long.

Round 1: 5 sc into magic ring, pull tight to close (5 sts)

Round 2: inc into every st around (10 sts)

Round 3: sc around (10 sts)

Round 4: change to red, sc around (10 sts)

Round 5: sc around (10 sts)

At this point, stuff the white tail into the pokeball to help keep its shape. Snip off any excess that cannot fit.

//image: stuffing

Round 6: dec around (5 sts)

Fasten off, leaving a 5 cm tail.



Use the tail to attach pokeballs to the hooks. Use your crochet hook to push the remaining tail into the top of the pokeball, and snip off any excess.

Using the black paint, draw a line around the pokeball, where the white and red change. It’s easier to draw half the line first, leave it face up to dry, and then finish it off.

When drawing the button, make sure that you draw it on the same side that will be facing FORWARD when you wear the earrings. Wait a few minutes for this to dry, and use the white paint to add the final dot in the middle of the button. Give the whole thing about half an hour to dry completely.


Enjoy your new Pokeball earrings!

Enjoy your new Pokeball earrings!


And that concludes my first pattern. That was fun! If you want a pair but don’t know how to crochet, don’t worry! I will be selling these on Etsy once it finally gets going… *sigh*

This summer, my intention is to have a post every Friday evening. I hope you will join me at this time for a weekly dose of cute and craft!

Pika, so stylish!

Pika, so stylish!

Questions? Concerns? Corrections? Favourite colour? Comment below!

Pika, so happy!


Hello! As you can probably tell from the title of this blog, my name is Valerie, and I like knitting and crochet. Before you tell yourself, “oh, this is just some old lady blog about making sweaters,” NO! I’m actually just a game dev student trying to stay sane via hobbies. :3

That’s why this blog exists. It will be dedicated to artsy adventures, told through stories, pictures, and maybe even videos. ;3

Although it’s called “Plushies by Valerie,” it won’t just be about knitting/crochet plushies. I will also be touching up on sewing. Though I’m not very good at sewing, I do dabble in it from time to time. In fact, some plushies I’ve made have sewn-on clothing.

Case in point: Sackboy from Little Big Planet dressed as Link from Legend of Zelda:

Link Sackboy

Link Sackboy

Which lead to the creation of Sackboy dressed as Altair (Assassin’s Creed):

Altair Sackboy enjoying his new home

Altair Sackboy enjoying his new home

As some of the plushies I make are taken from other sources, I will include a link to the pattern as well.* I sell the actual plushies, not the patterns. In the future, I would like to create my own patterns. Of course, I will gladly release some patterns for free on this blog!

Even if you don’t know how to knit or crochet, I hope you will follow along for the stories, if not just to take a cute plushie break from the otherwise hard, ugly world.

Until next time, this is Valerie, signing out~


* This is where I found the Sackboy knitting pattern 🙂